Last spring, Progi officially launched ProgiPlanning, its capacity manager, all across Canada. Progi’s approach is to help collision shops meet their current and future challenges by providing digital solutions that help improve their business processes. Diane Chaîné, president at Progi: “Several software solutions feature a combination of tools to help with the shop’s capacity planning, but none of them are specialized. ProgiPlanning meets this market demand with extreme efficiency.”

Many users, all collision networks combined, have tested ProgiPlanning and are giving positive testimonials on the products and how it positively impacts their shop. Nothing is trivial about how easily ProgiPlanning finds its place in collision shops. Laurent Tri, our collision shops business systems analyst explains: “We have spent a long time studying the market and testing a Beta version of the solution. Progi- Planning is finally ready. Last April, we introduced the product on a pilot scale. For collision shops questioning the usefulness of ProgiPlanning, I would first say that the solution lets you select the best moment to plan a repair. I would then add that its purpose is also to seize production opportunities, literally increasing profitability and optimizing the repair flow.”

Charles Aubry, who gives support directly at collision shops, highlights ProgiPlanning’s success factors: “Communication comes first. The entire team must be on the same page with a desire to move forward. Then we look for the right recipe.

ProgiPlanning is a simple and powerful tool. In the first week of implementation, the shop must figure the configuration that best suits their needs in order to reap nearly immediate benefits. Finally, organization is key.

This capacity planning solution is an automated software, but it still needs a little attention. When kept updated, it simply performs capacity management and profitability miracles. It is a winning investment. If because of ProgiPlanning, a collision shop plans even just one more billable hour per week, it’s profitable. One of my clients, Ian Boissonneault of ProColor Val-Bélair, told us that a well-thought use of ProgiPlanning simply made his profitability explode.”