They aren’t magic—but if you saw the types of repairs Keco Body Repair Products are capable of, you wouldn’t be surprised if they were. Drawing on over 50 years of manufacturing experience and 10+ years manufacturing tools for paintless dent repair business (PDR), Keco Body Repair Products of Oklahoma City has been leading the aftermarket as a developer of high-quality tabs, tools and accessories.
[Keco Body Repair Products] are all centred around glue pull repair. The least invasive, highest quality way to repair a dent today; doesn’t damage the front side of the panel or the backside of the panel. “Our line handles big damage and small damage. From big, aggressive dent damage, down to very fine, precision detail-type PDR damage removal,” said Chris White, president of Keco Body Repair Products.
White and his team at Keco take an almost holistic approach to the practice of glue pull repair, co-opting the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors. “Doctors, before they begin practising, they have to take what is called the Hippocratic Oath. The Hippocratic Oath says, first: do no harm. So that’s basically the truth of glue pull repair—we’re doing no harm as we begin to make the repair,” said White.
Keco Body Repair Products uses high-quality materials in their products to ensure absolute safety and precision for both the operator and the repair itself. “With our tools, both the GPR tools and the tools to address the high spots; all of our various shapes and sizes of hammers and knockdowns are all either highly polished metal that won’t damage paint, or they are plastic-coated. Everything that we address, either a dent or a high-spot, doesn’t do harm,” said White.
Mastering the art of GPR is not done overnight, however, White and his team continue to develop new and less-invasive repair solutions for customers. “There is no question that we have the most expansive line of glue-pull repair products and you’d look at us and think, ‘gosh they’ve done everything.’ The truth is, we’re still learning every day how to make GPR more successful,” said White.
“We have, in the last couple of years, developed a line of patent-pending tabs that we call Dead Center. Dead Center technology is basic: by varying the ratio between the diameter of the tab neck to the tab face, it creates a much better centre pull, it’ll bottom the dent out better and it’s much easier to knock down. Those Dead Center tabs—we started out with round ones and then we developed a creased version. Now we have a Dead Center SuperTab that we’re getting ready to release. SuperTabs are one of our oldest, big-damage-addressing tabs. We’ve added the Dead Center technology to that line.”